
Twitter Marketing Mistakes - #in - #smo - thnx @tangobusiness

Twitter has gained the reputation of being one of the largest attractions in the global social media craze. By definition ‘tweeting’ started out as being short online messaging similar to text messaging but more social; however, online marketers have also realized the benefits of such a communication tool. Of course, most every marketing tool always has its own particular way of being used. If you want to get appropriate responses, you need to follow a definite path.

If you don’t pay attention, you’ll find the results can ruin all the efforts you have put in. The great thing about this type of marketing is you can avoid common Twitter foul-ups by following a few simple rules. First off, you should remember that Twitter is a widely used social networking site, and people are on there for fun. This is why your business will get enough exposure. This article will cover those blunders that you can and should avoid to make Twitter the best marketing media to promote your business.If you have a business, and you have customers or clients who follow your progress with Twitter, do not think that they are interested in being your friend. The other thing that people have to learn is that not every person who sees their marketing campaign even cares about what the business is about. Your prospects don’t really think about “you” but they inherently think about “themselves”. It will never make a difference how good the product is; your potential customers will never purchase from you if they don’t care about your product.

Your prospective customers who read your message only care about how your product or service will benefit them. In order for you to make this product important to them, you have to figure out how to make them believe that their life would be worse off if they don’t purchase your product. Once you understand that very important concept, you should be able to come up with a great Twitter marketing movement.Another major problem that Twitter marketers run into is not giving enough information about their product. If a person cannot figure out what you are selling or what you are doing, then they will ignore you! One way to clarify yourself is to create a biography that will hook your prospects, and include a photo so they could identify you. It’s all about product placement and how you present yourself and if your first visual communication is off, then they most likely will not communicate with you again.

But you don’t have to be too serious. Taking your product or your business too sternly can be a death knell to your business and any chance of having a successful marketing movement. The whole point of being on Twitter is to be urbane and witty. Don’t complicate the lives of your potential Twitter following by being too serious. Write your tweets with some spice and add a little humor if it is appropriate. That will make more people interested in what you have to offer. You want to give a picture of life to your advertising on Twitter.Community is the key word here, and Twitter should be treated as such. That’s also the reason it’s so important for you to participate in it. However, the biggest mistake some make is that they don’t join in the community, but rather only try to promote within it. Avoiding this mistake is pretty easy though; just keep in mind that you will have to give in order to receive. You can’t just inform, you must participate in the social aspect. Becoming a follower of some Tweeters, answering their questions, and participating in Tweet threads are great ways to build a relationship within the community. If you want to achieve positive results, then becoming an active member of the community and working with other Tweeters is the only way to accomplish this.

Twitter is really a simple concept – in order to succeed using this marketing tool you will have to put forth some effort and grow a large following of people interested in listening to what you have to say and who want to hear it again. So how are you going to make this happen? All you have to do is give the people what they want – write about what they want to read about. It has to be beneficial to them. This is how you can avoid the most common mistakes that marketers do when trying to use Twitter to market their product.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/how-to-stay-away-from...

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