
#SEO tips - 15 Killer Hacks 4 #WordPress that Are Extremely Useful

WordPress community is growing fast, and we are coming up with new hacks every day. In this article we will be sharing with you some of the killer, most wanted, and extremely useful WordPress Hacks that you can use to unleash the power of this blogging software that we all love. We will try to explain how each hack works, if you don’t understand something feel free to ask the question in the comments.

1. Link to External Sources from Your Post Title

Often it is the case where blogger wants to just link to an external resource because he/she finds it useful to their readers. The main problem they face is that they have to make a new post in order to just tell the readers to go to another site. In this Custom Field Hack we will show you how you can link to an external link from your post title.

First thing you need to do is open your functions.php which is found in your template folder where other files like single.php and page.php is located. Paste the following code:

function print_post_title() {
global $post;
$thePostID = $post->ID;
$post_id = get_post($thePostID);
$title = $post_id->post_title;
$perm = get_permalink($post_id);
$post_keys = array(); $post_val = array();
$post_keys = get_post_custom_keys($thePostID);

if (!empty($post_keys)) {
foreach ($post_keys as $pkey) {
if ($pkey==’url1′ || $pkey==’title_url’ || $pkey==’url_title’) {
$post_val = get_post_custom_values($pkey);
if (empty($post_val)) {
$link = $perm;
} else {
$link = $post_val[0];
} else {
$link = $perm;
echo ‘<h2>’.$title.’</h2>’;

Now you would need to open your index.php and find the following code or something similar:


Change it to:

<?php print_post_title(); ?>

Once you have done that, upload both files to your webhost.

Now when you are writing a post, scroll down to where it says Custom Fields. Find the name: url1, title_url, or url_title and add the url to the external resource. Add a short description if you so desire, and hit publish.

Don’t be afraid, this function does not take away your normal post title links, all it does is add an extra query which checks for custom field for external links. If the external link is not included, it refers to the default code and link to the normal post page

There is also a plugin that does this job. It is called Page Links To

2. Change the Default Gravatar for Comments

Good Bye Mystery Man

The default mystery man is really annoying for most users. Plus if you have one more chance of branding your blog, then why not do it. Changing your default gravatar lets you brand your blog more. With this snippet below you can change your default gravatar.

First you need to open your functions.php which is located in your template folder. If you don’t have one then create one and insert the following code:

add_filter( ‘avatar_defaults’, ‘newgravatar’ );

function newgravatar ($avatar_defaults) {
$myavatar = get_bloginfo(’template_directory’) . ‘/images/gravataricon.gif’;
$avatar_defaults[$myavatar] = "WPBeginner";
return $avatar_defaults;

In the code the image is being extracted from the theme directory and it is called gravataricon.gif obviously you will change it to your image name. Where it says WPBeginner, that is the name of the avatar of how it will show in your admin panel options area.

Gravatar Settings

Head over to your admin panel and click Settings > Discussion and change the icon, and now you have a branded comment area with your logo.

3. Display a Retweet Button with your Brand

Add a Retweet button in WordPress

With Twitter getting so much exposure, as a blogger you should already be using it to your advantage. Power of twitter is like no other because it is word of mouth advertising. To make this easier on your readers, what you can do is place a prominent retweet button, so they can retweet the article with one click. Not only just that, but you should make it the way so you can track the retweets as well. That is where tweetmeme widget comes in.

In this tutorial we will have you create a button that will link to the text in the following format:

RT @yoursitename Title of the Post – Link

Add the following code in the template file of your choosing most likely single.php

For the Large Button:

<script type="text/javascript">
tweetmeme_source = 'wpbeginner';
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://tweetmeme.com/i/scripts/button.js" > </script>

For the Compact Button:

<script type='text/javascript'>
tweetmeme_style = "compact";
tweetmeme_source = 'wpbeginner';

Remember to change the source to your twitter account name, this way you will not only promote your account to get more followers, but your article will be promoted as well.

4. Display Random Header Images on Your Blog

Random Header Images

Most blog designs get boring if they have a huge header picture and it is static. This is when this tutorial comes in to make your header images dynamic because it rotates on each visit. You can select as many images as you want to rotate randomly. It brings life to a blog.

First you need to name your images in this format:

  • headerimage_1.gif
  • headerimage_2.gif
  • headerimage_3.gif

You must separate the name with an underscore. You can change the headerimage text to himage or anything you like.

Once you have done that paste the following code in your header.php where you would like the images to be displayed or in any other file.

<img src="http://path_to_images/headerimage_<?php echo(rand(1,3)); ?>.gif"
width="image_width" height="image_height" alt="image_alt_text" />

Make sure that you change the number 3 if you decide to do more than 3 images. This code is not exclusive for WordPress, it will work with any php based platform.

5. Control When Your Posts are Available Via RSS

Control When Your Posts are Available Via RSS

There are times when you publish a post and suddenly find an error. You can go back in the admin panel and change it, but it is already published in the feeds. With this hack, you can put a delay of as many minutes as you like, so you can double check the post live.

Open your functions.php and add this code:

function publish_later_on_feed($where) {
global $wpdb;

if ( is_feed() ) {
// timestamp in WP-format
$now = gmdate(’Y-m-d H:i:s’);

// value for wait; + device
$wait = ‘10′; // integer

// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_timestampdiff

// add SQL-sytax to default $where
$where .= ” AND TIMESTAMPDIFF($device, $wpdb->posts.post_date_gmt, ‘$now’) > $wait “;
return $where;

add_filter(’posts_where’, ‘publish_later_on_feed’);

This code is adding a 10 minute delay on your post being shown on the RSS Feeds, you can change it by changing the number 10 to as many minutes as you like.

6. Display Certain Categories in a Menu

Display Certain Categories in a Menu

In many cases, users only want to display certain categories in their navigation menu at the top of the page. There are limited spots, that can only be filled by top categories, but if you use the default wp_list_categories code, it will show all categories. This is why this hack below comes in very handy when you want to create a navigation menu and only display certain categories.

<ul class="navmenubar" style="float:left; width:730px;">
<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=name&include=7,9,19,16,1,5,17,23'); ?>

Note, you can also change the ‘include’ text to ‘exclude’ and show all categories and exclude those that you don’t want displayed. The numbers displayed in the code are the category IDs. Remember since WordPress shows categories in a list format, you will need to edit the CSS in order to make it work.

7. Separate TrackBacks from Comments

Separate TrackBacks from Comments

When you write a great post on your blog, it likely to be linked from all around the blogosphere. At the same time most great posts start a good discussion in the comments. If you don’t separate your trackbacks from comments, it is very hard for your users to follow the comments and the discussion. In this hack we will show you how you can separate trackbacks from comments.

First you need to open comments.php and find a loop that looks something like this:

foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>
// Comments are displayed here

Replace it with:

<ul class="commentlist">
<?php //Displays comments only
foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>
<?php $comment_type = get_comment_type(); ?>
<?php if($comment_type == 'comment') { ?>
<li>//Comment code goes here</li>
<?php }

<?php //Displays trackbacks only
foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>
<?php $comment_type = get_comment_type(); ?>
<?php if($comment_type != 'comment') { ?>
<li><?php comment_author_link() ?></li>
<?php }


Basically this list is telling WordPress to display the comments in two list. If it is a Trackback display it separately and if it is a normal comment display it separately.

8. How to List Future “Upcoming” Posts

List Future Scheduled Posts

Everyone wants more users to subscribe to their feeds. The way to get more users excited and interested in your blog is to show them the future blog posts that you have scheduled.

First you need to schedule your posts for the future dates. Then open your sidebar.php or wherever you like to display the list of future posts, and paste the following code:

<?php query_posts('showposts=10&post_status=future'); ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<span class="datetime"><?php the_time('j. F Y'); ?></span></p>
<?php endwhile;
else: ?><p>No future events scheduled.</p>
<?php endif; ?>

The code above is being sorted by the parameter post_status which in this case is “future”, but it can be draft, published and so on. There is also another parameter in this post that limits the number of posts being displayed, showposts=10. You can change the number to however many schedule posts you want to show your users.

9. Display Thumbnails Next to Each Post

Display Thumbnails Next to Each Post

Picture speaks thousand words. We have heard that saying before, and it is true with blogs also. You can’t possibly describe the post enough in a short excerpt, but adding an image brings life to the post and make the user want to click even more. With this custom field hack, we will show you how you can do just that.

First you need to make a default image of a size 210 x 210px which is what we are using at WPBeginner. You can name this default image defaultimage.gif or in this example we are using wpbeginner.gif and make sure you upload it to your theme directory folder.

Then you need to open your index.php and paste the following code where you want the image to be displayed.

<?php $postimageurl = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'post-img', true);
if ($postimageurl) {

<?php } else { ?>

<?php } ?>

10. Set an Expiration Date for Your Posts

Set an Expiration Date for Your Posts

This hack comes becomes very useful when you are running a contest because you might be posting information such as clues or hints that you don’t want to stay up for ever. Instead of manually removing the article, you can just make it expire automatically. It also works if you have a product that you are offering a discount on. You posted it on your blog, but you don’t want that discount to stay on your blog after its over. So you can remove it automatically with this code.

All you need to do is replace your WordPress Loop with this code:

if (have_posts()) :
while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
$expirationtime = get_post_custom_values('expiration');
if (is_array($expirationtime)) {
$expirestring = implode($expirationtime);

$secondsbetween = strtotime($expirestring)-time();
if ( $secondsbetween > 0 ) {
// For example…

Once you have done that, you can use custom fields when writing a post to set an expiration date. Make sure you select the key “expiration” and use the the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy 00:00:00

Now this hack does not remove or unpublish the article instead it just excludes the article from being displayed in the loop.

11. Delete Batches of Post Revisions

Delete Batches of Post Revisions

WordPress has a lot of good features and one of them is Post Revisions. This was included in WordPress 2.6, even though this is a good feature, it can cause some problems. One of them is increase the size of your database. Depending on how long it takes you to write a post, you might have as many as fifty post revisions. Now you can manually delete them, or you can run a simple query which we will show you in this post and get rid of all these useless revisions.

First thing you need to do is login to your phpMyAdmin and select your WordPress Database.

Click on the SQL Button and enter the following query:

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "revision";

In this code basically we looked up a table wp_posts and removed every post that had a post_type revision associated with it. Now depending on the size of your database, this may save you a lot of space.

12. Display Any RSS Feed on Your Blog

Display Any RSS Feed on Your Blog

There are often times when bloggers want to display RSS Feeds of other sites on their blog. Maybe it is from another blog of theirs that is related. This is when this hack comes handy because it makes your job much easier. There are several scripts and plugins that will do it for you, but you don’t need those because WordPress has this feature built in. And you should know that because you see the feeds in your Admin Panel Dashboard.

All you have to do is paste the following code where you want the feeds to be displayed. Most commonly placed in sidebar.php:

<?php include_once(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/rss.php');
wp_rss('http://feeds2.feedburner.com/wpbeginner', 5); ?>

Save the file and Upload it and you are done.

The function we used in this hack wp_rss is built in WordPress for future reference.

13. Display “Digg This” Button on Specific Posts with One Click

Display Digg This Button in Specific Posts

Digg Button in the article is very helpful specially when you article is submitted on digg. But you should not put the digg this button in every post because not every post is meant for digg. For example, if you post an announcement that you will be changing your theme, it does not need to be submitted on digg. This is when this hack comes in where you can just use the custom fields to display the “Digg This” Button in articles that you want.

Add this code in single.php where you want it displayed:

<?php $cf = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'digg', true);
if (!emptyempty($cf)) {
echo 'http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.js" type="text/javascript">'} ?>

Now when you create a post use the custom field “Digg” and set any value and it will show the digg field. And if you don’t add that custom field, it will not show. Simple and easy.

14. Display Sticky Posts in One Area

Display Sticky Posts in One Area

This feature was wanted by many users therefore it was included in WordPress. Now in this hack we will show you how you can list all your sticky posts as a featured post in your home page or any other page.

$sticky = get_option('sticky_posts');
rsort( $sticky );
$sticky = array_slice( $sticky, 0, 5);
query_posts( array( 'post__in' => $sticky, 'caller_get_posts' => 1 ) );

if (have_posts()) :
while (have_posts()) : the_post();


You can change the number 5 the amount of posts you want to show in your page. You can also display full posts by changing ‘the_excerpt’ value to ‘the_content’.

15. Display Ads after the First Post

Adding an ad after the post can get you really good money because advertisers really like that spot. It is one of the hot advertising spots. You can even place adsense there. But if you place as a normal code, an ad will be shown after each post which gets annoying for your users. Therefore using this hack, you can display ads after the first post.

Replace your current loop with this hacked version of the loop in your index.php

<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php $count = 0; ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php $count ; ?>
<?php if ($count == 2) : ?>
//Paste your ad code here
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Now this code will show the ad after your second post. Make sure you insert your ad codes there.

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Sales and Marketing Experts Unlock Secrets to 2010 B2B Sales and Social Media Success in Webinar Series Hosted by OneSource

Sales and Marketing Experts Unlock Secrets to 2010 B2B Sales and Social Media Success in Webinar Series Hosted by OneSource

Leading Innovators in B2B Sales and Marketing Provide Practical Tips, Best Practices and Insights

BOSTON--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--OneSource Business Information (an infoGROUP company)(NASDAQ: IUSA) today announced it is hosting a special webinar tomorrow as part of its popular ongoing webinar series where leading sales and marketing experts offer insights on boosting 2010 sales and launching ROI-driven social media campaigns.

Thousands of sales and marketing professionals are applying the practical knowledge from OneSource’s Sales and Marketing webinar series to grow their sales pipeline, improve marketing performance and launch successful social media campaigns for marketing and lead generation.

Tomorrow’s webinar entitled How to Develop Social Media Content that Gets Results, with David Reske and Bob Cargill of Nowspeed, focuses on developing and optimizing effective social media content to move target audiences through the buying cycle and get results.

Register at: http://www.onesource.com/webinars.aspx

Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST

View on-demand sessions in the Social Media for B2B Demand Generation Series

About the presenters:

Dave Reske is Founder and CEO of Nowspeed Marketing, an internet marketing firm launched in 2003 that delivers world-class demand generation solutions for leading companies around the globe. Mr. Reske is a veteran industry speaker at internet and e-commerce conferences nationwide.

Bob Cargill is Creative Director of Nowspeed marketing. With more than 20 years of experience as a marketing professional, Mr. Cargill has received over 40 awards for his work, including a Gold award from the New England Direct Marketing Association for his blog, A New Marketing Commentator, and a Silver award for Best Copywriting from the New England Direct Marketing Association.

To learn more about infoGROUP’s social media solutions, contact Marcus Schmidt, Senior Product Manager of Social Media by phone at 402-930-3686 or by e-mail at marcus.schmidt@ingroup.com. Also keep updated on all future OneSource webinars at http://www.onesource.com/webinars.aspx.

About OneSource Information Services, Inc.

OneSource (www.onesource.com), an infoGROUP company, delivers prospect and business intelligence information on millions of companies and executives worldwide – optimizing clients’ sales and marketing efforts and assisting with business-to-business research activities. OneSource combines and organizes content from over 50 world-class suppliers and supports over 70 unique data fields, providing unparalleled data accuracy and information depth, delivered through the Web, CRM integrations, and information portals.

OneSource is headquartered in Concord, MA, with offices located in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. For more information, please visit www.onesource.com.

About infoGROUP

infoGROUP (NASDAQ: IUSA) is the leading provider of data and interactive resources that enable targeted sales, effective marketing and insightful research solutions. Our information powers innovative tools and insight for businesses to efficiently reach current and future customers through multiple channels, including the world’s most dominant and powerful Internet search engines and GPS navigation systems. infoGROUP headquarters are located at 5711 S. 86th Circle, Omaha, NE 68127. For more information, call (402) 593-4500 or visit www.infogroup.com.

Statements in this announcement other than historical data and information constitute forward looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied by such forward-looking statements. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, recent changes in senior management, the successful integration of recent and future acquisitions, fluctuations in operating results, failure to successfully carry out our Internet strategy or to grow our Internet revenue, effects of leverage, changes in technology and increased competition. More information about potential factors that could affect the company's business and financial results is included in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Google, Twitter, WordPress & Facebook: Publish/Subscribe Matrix Could Explode Into Glass-Smooth Platform

Google, Twitter, WordPress & Facebook: Publish/Subscribe Matrix Could Explode Into Glass-Smooth Platform

Written by Marshall Kirkpatrick / December 14, 2009 1:25 PM / 11 Comments

A storm of news points to a future of frictionless publishing and subscription, across platforms.

Google just announced that its FeedBurner RSS publishing service now supports automatic publishing to a Twitter account. If you're among the many people who use the service Twitterfeed (like CNN, the WhiteHouse, ReadWriteWeb, etc.) then you may very well find that startup expendable starting now. That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this and a series of related announcements over the past few days.

The new feature looks relatively sophisticated and will use a new URL shortener, goo.gl. FeedBurner has not proven the most reliable service in recent years and is now part of the ad network AdSense, but the little startup Twitterfeed isn't always reliable either. It does, though, have more incentive to innovate and work in user's interests. Ultimately, the service you use to publish content updates to Twitter is just a small part of a much bigger story.


The Twitter/FeedBurner integration uses secure OAuth authorization, so you don't have to give Google your Twitter password. It will check the links coming through that shortened URL for malware and bad sites. Right now other apps won't be able to use Goo.gl, just Feedburner and Google Toolbar, but that might change in time.

Consider this announcement side by side with the WordPress announcement this weekend that WordPress blogs can now be posted to and read from Twitter clients, the rumor today that Facebook is experimenting with its own URL shortener, this afternoon's announcement that the ability to expose your geographic location is now live in Google Toolbar and now longer a Labs product and last week's go-live of real-time search on Google. All of this combined says one thing to us: the web is getting a whole lot faster and much more free of friction, quickly.

WordPress, Google, Twitter and Facebook will force each other to agree to common standards for reading and writing content updates, those updates will be delivered in real time and the standards will allow an ecosystem of 3rd party client software to proliferate and play along with the big guys. Authentication is being done by OAuth, real-time feeds by RSS, Atom, PubSubHubbub. WordPress is the wild card because it is huge, more supportive than anyone else of Open Source and it could force everyone else to open up to interoperability.

The next step? This morning Google's Marissa Mayer said in an interview that Google is working hard on intuitive search, the ability to show users what they want before they even have time to search for it.

Publish once and your content is everywhere, immediately. Open your browser and it will show you just the kind of content you need, from all around the web, targeting your particular circumstances like clickstream, social graph and geographic location.

If that's the kind of platform that's coming - how will people innovate on top of it? The foundation is being laid right now for a whole new web in the near-term future.


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  1. This kind of inter-operation certainly does open up a whole new set of possibilities for the real-time web.

    Question: I can see the value of auto tweeting a link to a new blog post. Going the other way, though, seems less useful... if you want your tweets listed with your blog, you can do this using a widget. Or am I missing something here?... Can someone explain? (sorry if I'm being dense)

    Posted by: blog.3dbloke.com Author Profile Page

    | December 14, 2009 2:06 PM

  • Not clear on what you mean. You might want those tweets in a sidebar but saved in your archive, you might have a payload attached to them that gets displayed in full in longer-form medium. Lots of possibilities with two way communication.

     Posted by: Marshall Kirkpatrick Author Profile Page

    | December 14, 2009 2:43 PM

  • For the last few weeks I have been experimenting with WP.com, Blogger, Posterous and Tumblr to see which site I want to use as my namespace - www.samsethi.me

    I like Posterous for a number of reasons - simplicity and its autoflow functions but the lack of themes and javascript support have frustrated me.

    I then tried Tumblr and it had everything I wanted from Posterous but I felt it had slowed down technically. Posterous were quick to support the new LinkedIn API changes and implement PubsubHubbub not so Tumblr.

    Thus in choosing my next blog platform my head told me Tumblr had a richer iPhone client, support for Javascript and hundreds of designed themes already but my gut told me that Posterous was going to be the nimbler platform as it was new and keen to catchup to Tumblr.

    To confuse matters more Wordpress.com started to announce new changes such as RSSCloud support, the Twitter API Pub/Sub support. Yet there no Javascript, limited plugin support etc.

    What I really want from my next blogging platform is support for the opensocial container, with Caja widget support, activitystreams/salmon etc. also the domain namespace would also be my openid endpoint. i.e www.samsethi.me

    So I am in the process of writing my first review blog post in 18 months about these new meso-blogging platforms (/via Dave Winer) that I have reviewed which can manage/archive the flow of my social objects to end points.

    For me the key in 2010 will be to own and control the flow of all my social objects and decide in which end point silo I wish to see them reside. Right now none of these platforms does everything I want but the first to properly support ActivityStreams will be top of my list.

    Of course if you do not need a personal namespace and customised theme then Cliqset might be the best option for managing your social objects flow.

     Posted by: Sam Author Profile Page | December 14, 2009 4:24 PM

  • Exactly. Google's real-time search works because they get pushed all updates from Twitter et al. The more they integrate these publish notifications, the more we'll see new content from all over the web being discoverable immediately. Next step for Google? They need an API for webmasters to push site updates when they make a change to their site: pushing updated XML Sitemaps to Google in addition to (or instead of) Google periodically traversing them.

     Posted by: Weston Ruter Author Profile Page

    | December 14, 2009 4:29 PM

  • Whoa whoa they're actually working on Feedburner? lol... this is good news. Nice they've built it in but it'd still be nice to use my Bit.ly API for my tracking... but I supposed they'll supply goo.gl link tracking???

    Posted by: Chuck Reynolds | December 14, 2009 4:36 PM

  • This looks to be some interesting news and looking forward to see how it will impact pushing out data to Twitter. Both Posterous and Tumblr auto-post to Twitter now, so is the advantage having a real time update to google search or just over-kill?

     Posted by: hootsieroll Author Profile Page

    | December 14, 2009 4:47 PM

  • facebook has very fun games! the best is footbattle! http://apps.facebook.com/footbattle?zref=pens

    Posted by: Penelope | December 14, 2009 5:40 PM

  • If the shortener is actually used, it gives them first crack at traffic measurement. They could also do pop-ups and pop-unders. But they'd get a big black eye for that. On the other hand, for cell phones there might be actually useful things that could be done with the information.

    Posted by: computer ram | December 14, 2009 7:53 PM

  • Marshall,

    bringing together your piece about content farms and your writing on the realtime web, check out this http://spappco.wordpress.com/2009/12/14/google-twitter-wordpress-facebook-publishsubscribe-matrix-could-explode-into-glass-smooth-platform/

    Which basically lifts whole paragraphs from your piece this afternoon...

     Posted by: Larry Price Author Profile Page

    | December 14, 2009 10:06 PM

  • I saw this from google's site first and I said to myself... I bet Marshall will post on this. But before I checked to see if you wrote anything I signed one of my blogs up to feedburner and added the twitter function.

    I always disliked Feedburner's archaic unfriendly user-interfaces, I still do. Especially it's total lack of friendliness to potential new users who may click on an RSS feed button for the first time.

    Google's slogan is "don't be evil" yet buying something as valuable as feedburner and not doing anything to advance it till now... That's evil. And now to use it for an exclusive URL shortener that doesn't share data the way bit.ly does, that's super double evil.

    Feedburner is still about as friendly to set up as an out of date windows mobile OS. If I was a new user I'd of given up trying to configure it for my word press.org / twitter accounts.

    Feedburner works the way Internet Explorer did when Firefox first started devouring their market share. Feedburner sits back and thinks it doesn't need to innovate anymore, and then when it realizes it has to, it's way too far behind to do so...

    Clearly google bought Feedburner and mothballed it. I knew that already. Yet I gave 'em the benefit of the doubt and tried their improvements today and it still reeks of mothballs.

    I'm gonna go research all the ways I can do what Feedburner does in ways that will do it better. There's gotta be a better new standard than Feedburner? I mean help me out, where can I find more info?

    Posted by: Deane | December 15, 2009 2:02 AM

  • facebook has very fun games! the best is footbattle!

    Mypepitup, Pepitup, Jobscollection, Smashing Web Pro

    Posted by: charm | December 15, 2009 2:50 AM

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    Posted via web from @tweetsandseo